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It was my pleasure to perform at Godfrey Daniels 32nd birthday bash on the Southside of Bethlehem, PA. I twisted the arm of my good buddy Ron Anthony in CT to make a Road Trip out of the evening, so we set off to PA about 1:30 pm. We had three hours to settle politics, the folk music scene, and the fate of the world – which we did.

Godfrey Daniels is the club I started long, long time ago, and has survived my leaving for CT seven years ago. So I can usually count on at least one gig in the spring every year. Ron and I swapped tunes to open. Lizanne Knott did a middle set, and my space/rock/folk hero Joey Mutis finished up the night in style, with Joey playing a Woody Guthrie song in F. Flag on the play!

Anyway it was fun to bring Ron back to my roots and play in the best little coffeehouse in PA once again. Home Easter morning…..

I got a great email from a lady and her family in Slovakia today, and it’s a touchstone for what I do.

Letter from Slovakia -– Wednesday, March 19th, 2008

Hello Dave,

Today I received a delivery of your three CDs ordered some couple of days ago. Great – I
was amazed by the speed of the delivery (all the way from CT!) and also very happy to
have them here in Slovakia.
And as I received them, I thought I would thank you immediately. Looking up the website
again and being in a search for your e-mail, (just out of mere female curiosity), I
looked up your NEWS section. And
here I see, that “a woman from Slovakia bought my three CDs”. It must be me, I have
thought. This encouraged me even more to write….

You may wonder how that happened that “a Woman from Slovakia” ordered your CDs.
Well, I have a story for you.

Long time ago, I guess it must have been in a late spring of 1991, I lived with my then 5
year-old daughter Katarina in Coopersburg, PA. She was a first grader in Lower Milford ES
and one day you happened to be in that area performing for the kids. My daughter was
taken to your concert along with her other friends and she returned home with a cassette
with recordings of some of your songs. She was so thrilled that, ever since then, this
tape has a privileged place in our collection; no one of us ever got bored by listening
to it. A year later, we left US and returned back to Slovakia and your songs were keeping
us company through all the childhood of my daughter. The songs even became a nice
recollection of time spent in PA, and something like a family treasure.

In 2000, my little son Matthias was born, and my daughter passed this tape onto him. Now,
she, as a grown up, finds a lot of pleasure in singing all about spiders, watermelons and
peanut butter again along with her little brother. Although he has never had a chance to
see your performance (video recorded or so) he really likes the tunes and learns English
words by singing the songs with lots of pleasure. The only thing is that my little son
finds the tape “too short”. Another disadvantage of this tape was, that as we
travel a lot, he could not bring it along with him to play it on his Discman. So I tried
to Google up your name in hope that, somewhere I might find a possibility to buy your CD.
And, HURRAY, here comes the website with chances to buy, not one, but even three
different CDs. My son´s birthday is coming up on 28 March – and I have a great surprise
for him. Three CDs from DAVE FRY!!!! From now on he can enjoy traveling with your songs

Fantastic! Thank you, Dave, and we wish you many creative years ahead, so generations of
children can grow into adults, having fun and joy with your music. Thanks for keeping our
spirits young and smiling!

Mariana (me – the mom), Jaro (the dad), Katarina (the once little girl who loved you
first of us all), Matthias
(your new admirer)

I revisited one of my favorite Bethlehem schools – Wm. Penn ES. It’s one of several open “pod” schools where classrooms are in ear shot of each other. Nice sense of community, and that’s what we did together on Wednesday – teachers dancing with kids, kids singing with each other, and I got to watch it all from the front. It was RIF day, Reading is Fundamental, and we had a hoot. Thanks for having me back.

Ron and I trekked up to the South Green Open mike on Monday, with lots of folks showing up – some pleasant surprises. Even some James Joyce from Finnegan’s Wake. I got to wind up my Celtic material, spanning several open mikes this month, with the Bonnie Black Hare. Ah, yes.

This Saturday was a Blue and Gold banquet in Jacobs Church, PA, in the rolling farmland north of Kutztown. Boy, I love this section of PA. Anyway, playing for rumblin’, tumblin’ stumblin’ cub scouts is no easy thing (why do they call them Packs? I think I know.) A very nice time and ran into some familiar faces from Weisenberg and Northwestern Lehigh.

One very tall scout leader came over and introduced himself, and then said he saw my at his B&G dinner when he was a scout. Oooo, I’m so old…. But then, I’m still playing. Thanks.

Home to CT on the morrow.

I’ve had the opportunity to open for some heavy acts – Steve Martin, Ted Nugent, the Phillie Phanatic, Doctor Shock, and several times for Santa, but I got to open for E. Bunny himself – there ever elusive bunny himself. Last Saturday, I played in a pouring thunderstorm in the palmer Park Mall. And, sure enough, I finish my set, and Mr. Floppy Ears makes his entrance, and the whole audience gets up and follows him. Thank goodness I have a small ego.

We returned to a nice Catholic school Mt. Holly, NJ, Sacred Heart. We presented BlueRoots, an interactive program presenting the world of blues. We talked about the history of the blues, the format and the joy of playing the blues. A big tip o’ the hat to the lads in the RockRoots band for participating in this new workshop. Lots of audience participation with kids up on stage playing rhythm instruments, teachers dancing and, I’m glad to say, some heavy educational interaction. Nice to come back to such a welcoming community. Cub scouts tomorrow.

Thursday’s gig was a trek to northern CT to the small town of Goshen and a pleasant, small school in rural CT. It was a festive time, lots of movement and and overall swell time. Thanks for having me back to this precious little town. Off to PA for a gig in NJ in the morning.

Tuesday and Wednesday, the Northford boys hit the road for another open mike tour in CT. Ron Anthony, Pete Prizzi and myself went to The Space in North Haven on Tuesday – an amazing venue run by Steve of The Mighty Purple – and played. Then off to Roaring Brook’s open mike on Wednesday. A really good night there. I’ve been playing all my Irish stuff though I have no St. Patty’s gigs this year. Nice to lean on the old mandolin and hear it sing.

We finally made to Colonia MS today with two lively shows. The 8th graders were particularly on today – they applauded when we came on the stage. that’s a first.

I went out to pick kids for Peanut Butter, and pick one kid, who turned out to be a special needs kid. He got to shine in front of the whole school; he was so excited, he nearly jumped out of his skin. A nice moment.

Though his real birthday was earlier in the month, I managed to celebrate with some old friends and some new fans at the Scranton Library in Madison, CT. Thanks to Miss Jane, children’s librarian extraordinaire, we celebrated in style in the rumpus room in the basement. A great crowd and a good time. I look forward to staring up my East Wharf concerts in Madison this summer. (Madison Beach and Recreation is looking for sponsors, so, if you have any ideas, talk to Austin Hall at B & R Dept.)

A long day of quick shows. We did four sets at a middle school in South Jersey on Wednesday. Seems that, to be able to fit in 4 lunch periods (gotta feed those kids), we had to do 35 minute sets of what is normally a 45 minute show. Phew – hard work paring down a tight show – the boys say, “Dave, don’t ramble…” and I do my best. fun though… Back up 95 to CT at rush hour…

We wrapped up our training for YANJ’s Creative Beginnings with a workshop on family and pre-k “art” nights, modeling kids and parents doing art together – we made magic hats – based on the story “The Magic Hat”. good fun and instructive…

I returned to Weisenberg ES, near Kutztown, PA on Tuesday. I did a fabulous residency there awhile ago – some of the fourth graders were kindergarteners then. It’s startling to get into sweat weather again. I brought out my purple electric guitar to lots of oohs and aahs. Nice to come back.

Day Two found me in Newark, DE for two cozy concerts at the Pottery Barn for Kids. Some familiar faces, lots of egg shakers on all parts. For the second set I broke out the heavy instruments, tambourines, bells and maracas. Even though the wee ones don’t sing along, it’s really cool for them to experience live music, and the egg shakers are excellent for them to participate. I love these shows -a half-hour set is as much work as anything else I do – worth the sweat!

Looks like Friday morning’s show in Annapolis is going to be postponed til next Friday, February 29th (Leap Day!). Til then….

I landed at Roosevelt Fields on Long Island this morning for my first of three toddler concerts at Pottery Barns for Kids. We shook that thang! Johnnie and Natalie caught both shows, plus some familiar faces from earlier visits. I’ll be back on June 4th.

Our RockRoots in Colonia was postponed due to early morning ice. So it goes… Off to Whippany in morn.

Tuesday was a great session with Creative Beginnings in Princeton. Michelle Mariglianc, dancer and movement artist, guided us with lots of movement and play, all immersing ourselves in the early-ed process. One thing stuck to me, that children express emotions and themselves first through body movement. Yup.

We do days of two shows every year at Passaic County CC’s great auditorium, as the various city schools “come on down”. We played for 11 schools that send classes down and they filled the place. Again, a treat, the first show mostly primary kids, and the second with mostly intermediate kids. Great to see kids and teachers “shakin’ that thang”. We’ll be back on Thursday to do it all over again for more schools in Paterson. Yup.