I made good time out of Easton and got to the George Taylor House about 2:15, found my way down to the Fest O’ Fall tent. Still no rain. There I joined a rifle maker, cider maker, needlepoint lady, several weavers spinning and carding wool and a lady making sauerkraut. From garlic to sauerkraut…. what a day!

The lady sitting on my right spinning wool just happened to be the grandmother of one of the kids I was playing with in Easton and mother of the lady who booked me for that gig. The two women swapped phone pix with each other of me playing at each other’s gig. Dave Fry across the valley.

This was not particularly well-attended, but it was nice to add some music for the vendors. I tried to lean more on my mandolin tunes, since there was a certain historic nature to the event. I’m having a good time with my new mandolin, trying to break it in. It’s very playable and has a good mellow sound. It also takes some of the load off my Gibson, now in its 95th year.

I didn’t make a lot of money today, but enough for some groceries and snacks for the week.