My double-header started on the streets of Easton Saturday with a set at the Garlic Festival. I was stationed next to the beer, wondering about folks eating garlic and drinking beer at noon in this fine city. The sound system was semi-pro, but I decided to use it anyway, just to be simple about the gig. I was primed for an hour and quarter of adult, kids, etc, depending on who showed up. I led off with some R&B, just to placate the dude serving beer as a family showed up with a very shy and young boy who really didn’t like looking at me in the eye. Over the course of the next half hour, as other kids stepped up and played, he finally got into it. Sometimes this live music is pretty scary.

One particular mom with two daughters helped lead the way when she got out a tambourine and played along. Her daughters really had a good time and they stayed for most of the set. I gave out foam noses and the time went quickly. It’s not the number of people I play for (I hope not), but the depth of interaction that makes the gig for me.

Off to the George Taylor House for a gig when I get there, garlic-free and sober.