The second leg of this CT tour landed me at Camp Happiness in Milford, CT at 10 this morning. This is a camp for special needs kids that are somewhat better off physically, but have other issues that I don’t know about. Anyway, the kids are really responsive and communicative, and are fans from years past. It’s really cool to return and recognize them and have them ask for Bear Hunt, Giants, Peanut Butter, etc.


What sets this camp apart from other camps is the counselors and staff who, not only welcome me, but actively take part in the festivities.  And the kids notice and respond in kind. Camp show are normally hard with my material in that I aim for the kids, and many counselors take the time off, since they feel it’s for the kids. It’s much hard to move the kids if the counselors aren’t engaged.


Not at this camp, and often the counselors lead the way. It makes this one of my favorite performing experiences because it becomes deep community and this is exactly what these kids need and deserve.


I did get to do some Playground songs to add something new to the mix of favorites.


July sun, 90 degrees plus, under the shade (for them) of a big tree, grass and a very good time.  Drive back to PA in good spirits.


Camp Happiness in many ways. … and I get to visit once a year!