We traveled to Morristown, NJ for two afternoon assemblies at a Catholic school.  That usually means we get to play for two sets of kids, primary and middle school ages, and that makes for an interesting day. And to make things really festive, it was Crazy Hat and Hair Day, there were all kinds of amazingly creative things happening before we even came through the door.


We were on a stage in the gym, so the acoustics were, well, gym-like.  An interesting delay off of the opposite wall. I can’t help but think how ‘gym sound’ has affected R&R, with the reverb and delay at school dances for the last umpteen years. 


The first group were the kids K – 4, and they were rocking, along with their teachers.  This is to be expected on several levels.  Again, it was interesting that one active girl in the K’s up front had questions and comments for everything, insisted on getting up and dancing and interacting.  Yes, a special needs kid that simply wanted to join in.  Amazing   It’s hard to keep the show going, and not play to her.  That’s the power of ART. 


The second show was for the middle school ages: 5th through 8th.  Even amongst these grades, the separation is startling.  And it makes it hard to direct the show, and play to the different sensibilities.  The younger kids are still kids and are willing to take social chances.  But, as we all know, early teens are still navigating.  It was interesting (as in informative) that when I asked all the kids to get up and dance, they all got up.  (Catholic discipline?) But….. the older kids just stood around and talked to each other.  Observation duly noted.


I’m still amazed with the lads in the band.  They are pros, and it’s nice work to be with them on a regular basis.