The outdoor concert was moved into the library due to non-existent threat of rain, and that turned out to be fine for me. It was a packed house in the community room but I could do it sans PA and also maintain some focus on the show. The pavilion gigs tend to be scattered and also families tend to hang out on the outer edges of the area so this was a good opportunity to keep the energy with the kids in front and the parents in the seats.

I gave out foam noses to the dads before the show and it seems to be a good way to draw the fun out of them early on. As it always seems to happen, there are great moments early on as certain kids jump into a comfort zone right away and provide great performance spotlights for those a bit shyer as well as for the adult’s entertainment.

Again, absolutely no CD sales.

I was paid well, and I donated my three CDs to the librarian for use in her story hours at the library. It was wonderful to perform only 20 minutes from home and be home by 8 pm. Off to Allentown for a pre-movie show tomorrow with John Christie.