I signed up for an artist’s chat with Mary Lilley-Thompson, an acquaintance from my old UU church days in town. She had developed an interview format called “Rising Stars – Live Talk Show Series”  This was held in Kirkland Village, a retirement facility in North Bethlehem. Mary was quite familiar with my career and put together a lively set of questions, improv inquiries, some leading into some songs she knew I knew (I Like Peanut Butter, A Place in the Choir, The Cat Came Back).

The twenty or so folks who showed up were wonderful and attentive, the conversation was spirited and we covered some interesting phases of my life: early Fats Waller influences, Beatles, Lehigh years, Touchstone Theater, RockRoots, etc. so I got it all said, played some songs and Mary was adroit in navigating the proceedings.

As we wrapped up the sessions (with no questions from the audience), I suggested I do one more song. I did Lessons from Pete and it encapsulated everything that I had brought up during the set. The reception was spot on.

It was a good afternoon among the seniors in my community.