We had an afternoon RockRoots just over the North Jersey border at a school who initially wanted us for a field day.  There was too much rain from a tropical storm for that, so we played in the cafeteria for a bunch of cranked up kids and some exhausted teachers. Not much discipline, too much talking and kids trying to do ‘the wave’ and other nonsense for an educational show. After a while, I just tried to get the show in. Not comfortable but the kids loved it.


It would have been nice to know ahead of time if it was supposed to be a blow-off, get up and dance kind of gig. We would have done some things differently, especially by removing the tables, and get the kids up and dancing.  We learned from our Mayfair gig and the subsequent gig at Horizon School that we can do that, and still give a good show.


At least four hours on the road for the the last three days, but I can’t complain.