My first Mayfair gig was pretty intense, especially for a Friday morning gig.  I set up my sound and started at 11:45 AM to a fairly empty big, big room in the Fairgrounds Center, but there were kids eating lunch in the distance. It was Kids’ Day today, so several A’town schools bussed the kids in. I figured I could round them up, and I did. 


Some of the 6th graders caught on early and gobbled up the rhythm instruments, shakers, etc. and got involved in Peanut Butter. That was cool that the older kids led the way.  Eventually other younger classes came by and there was a big mosh pit of 250 kids and teachers dancing, singing and banging along.  I actually ran out of instruments for the first time, and tried to keep them dancing.  It worked, and I did a three songs in the middle where I asked them to put all the instruments on stage and join in.  It was like pulling teeth, but they did it and we did Tutti Tah, Happy Shark and PB and Jelly, all good playground songs. Amazing and a real performance challenge that worked.


I went back to dance songs and continued to watch this party go on in front of me. A photographer from the Morning Call got tons of great pictures that will be in the paper tomorrow. bit by bit the classes had to get back on the buses and leave, so it thinned out considerably, but one class stayed. I finished up with a whimper.  The Bell Shaped Curve for a set.  First time for that in a while.


Took in the art in the building, caught my friend Ray Owen’s set and joined in as the turkey in Old MacDonald. Met some of my A’town friends and artists.


Back tomorrow for an afternoon set and then the Ice House at night.