I had my first kids’ show in the friendly confines of the Kids’ tent near Cedar Lake.  Attendance is down, and the weather wet, so it was a small, but mighty crowd.  Returning visiting grandkids with their grandmoms, curious adults, some very regular fans (yea!), some kids from the local school, and Walking Vet.


With this kind of forgiving crowd, I could do some of my more folkie stuff mixed in with the kids’ favorites, so it turned out to be a very nice set. Tongue out


As an offshoot, I got to visit with my fellow artists a bit, especially Rosemary Geseck, visual artist on my Shake It! album.  We swapped art stories.  We are birds of a feather, outlaws in the arts market, finding our way into the fabric of our community.  Ran into Jay Smar, Al Grout, Joe Keppel, Miss Maggie, Bruce Waggstaff, all working on the cheap because we need to work.  so it goes.


Pavlov’s Dawgs on Sunday.