I decided to head up to Roaring Brook for the March Open Mike with my friend Nat Kennedy as the feature.  Ron agreed to drive (phew..) so we headed up to Canton, CT.  I signed up for #2, and, of course, I went first.  I sprung “Shoo That Fly” on the folks, and Eric P. shook that thing! 


Nat’s been practicing, and that’s neat to see him exercise his art.  I backed him up on guitar while he played hammered dulcimer.  Having back-up does set you free, and it worked out nicely.  Nat was the first person in CT that I talked with when I first started out in CT open mikes and we hit it off cause he played Miss. John Hurt and Tom Rush and all that good stuff.  And I thought, “Everything is going to be all right!”  I was glead to return the favor.  Yo, Nat! 


Eric’s Circus Song, Ron’s song with Cece on drum, Trainwreck’s mining songs, and other nice tunes by friends….


Early morning to Bogata….