What a treat! I headed up to New Haven on Saturday for Sunday’s House Concert at Louis Audette’s marvelous house/performers spa/art museum. Lou does a monthly series in his space for about 50 people. I played there several years ago with Ron Anthony and Denny Collin and it was great.

Today it seems I was the headliner, with friends Bill, Denny and Scott of Old Hat. They did a good set of old time country songs on lefty Martin, acoustic bass and dobro, respectively. The audience appreciated the music and the relaxed banter with the crowd and the band. Good stuff.

I set up during the intermission with my guitar and mando, put my tools out, did a sound check, got my stools together, so to speak and Louis introduced me to the wonderful array of strange folks, with some very good CT friends sprinkled in. Off we went with the Vegetable Song, perhaps one of the oldest still in my bag. I did the vocal trombone and then said, ‘Take it!’ as I often do. I stepped back from the mike and they were there. Damn. I told them that they passed the DF Litmus Test for an active culture in the house.

Don’t Call Me Early got them singing, full throated. I did a new one, Nadine, and they were even singing on that one. Folk Music Surprise!

I was particularly proud on the pretty vast performance sea changes – mandolin tune, acapella, serious blues, kids play, folk sing along, rock and roll and the patter to connect and change. Lots of give and take on the songs, often pausing mid-song to reflect on the situation (that’s very hard to do and maintain the song….). And it’s here where feel I am the artist, at heart and in mind. This is my pallet.

I played a bunch of my new stuff (Rosie, False From True, Nadine), had time before the gig to review and reinforce my other tunes, and to reflect on what I would aim for in this space. Louis invites me to stay over and I accept his offer as a good friend. I also enjoy his company in the quiet spaces in between.

This was a very good tour. …. and gas is cheap.