I’ve signed up for these Sunday brunches at this fine vegan restaurant, mostly because of the opportunity to play for a couple of hours, collect a vegan meal that will feed me for early next week, and perhaps a couple of bucks in tips.

I played the first half hour for Wendi, the chef, Veronica, the dishwasher and myself. It was a good chance to play some tunes I want to relearn – These Days and Honest Sam, in particular. I did some good catchup on those tunes as well as some tough instrumentals.

A young family came in with a young son and a younger daughter (in a high chair). The dad and the son came up early and put $5 in the mando case. That was nice. The little girl just had a great time, clapping at the end of songs and reacting as only kids that age can do. Simple joy. They were the only audience for me for an hour and I began to contemplate ending early, before the two hours were up. But, I owe it to Wendi to honor the two hour of music.

With a few minutes left, several other folks drifted in to eat, so I decided to keep on playing. I ended up playing an extra hour, partially because of having an audience, partially in honoring my commitment, and partially wanting to just sit and play. Perhaps that’s why the next hour went quickly. I have more to say about this…….

Wendi’s Asian Special was, and is a knock out. Healthy, too.

It’s not the pay, it’s the play.