The travel from the RR gig wasn’t too terrible so I was able to get a half hour respite between shows. I headed out to this pre-school in the large First Presbyterian Church complex, a place I had played for many years ago for their ‘graduation’. In fact, several teachers commented that it was nice to hear me again after all these years. It was in recognition of 50 years of the pre-school, so it was a nice event to be asked to play for.

I dined on zitti and meatballs with a few folks after setting up my sound system. I had about 40 minutes to play with so I launched into my good stuff with parents and kids seated up front in the big hall. There was lots of interplay with the kids and parents and it went well. I even sold a few CD’s.

I was beat though, after the two gigs and the travel but, again, it was good to be playing and getting paid, too. I returned to catch some of The Night Hawks at Godfrey’s with both of my kids, Rosalie and Jaimie, in the house for the show. That was particularly nice to have them enjoy this great band at the club. Legacy.