I picked up a last minute gig at the Commons at Steel Stacks on Saturday night, from 7 til 10 pm. It’s a strange gig, though the pay makes it quit satisfying.


The Creativity Commons, as it is called, is essentially a mall in an entertainment complex. I played in the open area with a few tables and chairs for folks hanging out or on their way to or from the concert area upstairs or headed to the movie theater.


The sound provided consists of speakers in the ceiling of this metal structure building, no monitors and a leap of faith on my part that I’m singing in key. It’s workable, only in that I’m used to it. So, I launched into my first set at 7 pm for the small crowd in the room. It was actually nice, with a good response from the folks.


Then it cleared out, leaving my friend Tom and his wife, a young teener and an elderly gentleman sitting in a red spotlight. So, for the next hour or so, I played to them. Actually, it was conversational. I got to do a rumba, a tango and a polka in a row. Definitely a first for me. That was cool. Good practice, too.


I played an hour, took a break and chatted with some folks and then got back to work. I figured I’d play straight through. Beats not playing. And, sure enough, with about 30 minutes left, the concert let out and folks gathered around. I broke out some stuff I had been saving for the occasion, so I did some Feats, Santa Assassin, etc. and finished with Jelly in the Dish with its fade out. Not with a bang but a whimper.


I got a bunch of nice compliments from some familiar and not so familiar faces so it ended on a nice up beat.


My relationship with this venue is scattered. I’ve played the kids’ series many times but never in this more adult situation. I’ve leaned on the Arts Quest folks for gigs like this but it took a last minute cancellation to make it happen. I’m glad it finally fell into place and made it work.