Today’s gig at the Great Allentown Fair was a hoot. Pretty much devoid of kids so I did my set of adult-friendly songs to a mixed bag of folks. I was pretty relaxed with the situation so I was chatty and funny, good story-telling and relatively good playing. I did screw up the Cat Came Back, though. Just goes to show that you can’t take anything for granted.


One funny moment happened as I was hawking my CD’s sitting on a table in front of me from the stage. I despaired that I had no glamorous model selling them, so I pointed to a skinny fellow off to the side who seemed game. Sure enough, he came up and did the Vanna routine with the CD’s, gesturing to the display. I then asked him to try it with a clown nose, which he did. It was a riot and totally spontaneous. It’s amazing when you take chances with your audience and they pick you up.


Anyway, yesterday’s competition at the Fair was the Pig Dive. Today, it was the Elephant’s a few hundred feet outside the Ag Hall. Monday’s show will be the Demolition Derby. Ain’t nothin’ like American entertainment.


It was a good show, with good conversation and communication with an older audience. No CD sales, so no pay. Again, for later discussion….