We opened the day’s music on the Main Stage in Macungie at 2 pm. It’s a classic band shell in a large park, today filled with vintage automobiles of all kinds. So, the audience was a mix of older folks, some who were displaying cars, and a random assortment of families, teens, etc. It’s not often I get to play for this kind of audience, opening up for a day of country and blues bands.


Having Kris on bass makes all the difference. The sound system was superb, so we could play with guts and a full, rich sound, even if just acoustic guitar and bass. It felt very comfortable, and, by the end, I felt that we quite an appropriate act for the occasion. We mixed in some Irish, bluegrass, blues, family, and rock and roll and we played fairly well. I was funny, too.


Kris and I chatted afterwards, as I expressed how much I value these gigs. He said he loves to play bass with my acoustic guitar work, and I agreed. There is some fine symbiosis going on, as a lot of trust in each other. I do spring some stuff on him, but he know I have the confidence that he will pick the song up quickly. There are minor bumps that he knows I hear (and visa versa), but that doesn’t get in the way of dealing the song out and creating the live version of what we do. And that is the most important thing, and what I think the audience picks up on.


I got some nice reactions from some new faces. Again, I love to surprise folks with this folk music. The band following us loved it, too.


Afterwards, I caught my good friend Al Grout’s juggling show, and remain amazed at his grace in action. A quickly moving array of magic, juggling and some wonderfully sly humor dealing with the audience. He is a pro, in so many ways. He does Diablo juggling, a spinning top device on ropes, to great effect, and my tune “My Yoyo” is the theme music he plays while he’s amazing folks with his skill. It was a double treat, and a tip ‘o the hat from a good friend and fellow artist.


I beat the thunderstorms, got paid, played some fine music with a good friend through a really good sound system in a wonderful park in PA. T’ain’t too shabby for the first Friday of August.


I’m back on Saturday for two kids’ shows, but, today, the main stage was mighty fine.