Funky, funky, funky February (K. Aldrich).  Nice open Mike at Roaring Brook last night with some new faces, good feature (Bruce Wheeler), and a chance to work some new songs onto the stage.  Idel hands means time to try new stuff.


I did Voodoo Chile on mandolin – inspired by A. Kidu’s African version, and the fact that it could pass for a mountain modal fiddle tune.  It was work the work, and I look forward to “playing” with it as it develops,  Good start.  I also worked on presenting Evil Twin by Michael Jerling.  Curoius set of chords (in G? in C?), but a great R&B churn, simple chorus and some nice interaction.  Ron played the lead from the audience, which I’m trying to do more often, to bring the playing from the “performer wall”.  Nice effect.


Ron Anthony debriefed me from his long awaited big gig at Roaring Brook on Saturday.  It went well, and he got back a big dose of confidence.  Ron had a minor stroke last Christmas, and had lost some mobility in his left (chords) hand, and has to deal with physical and mental setbacks.  This was the gig he had on his mind , making himself get out and play so many of these open mikes.  Part of this burden is only letting a few folks know about his condition.  Apparently, he opened up towards the end of his show on Saturday and let the general public know what the gig meant to him.  Big big monkey off his back in so many ways.  A big hallelujah.  And it showed on Monday night, with his playing and his relaxation.  Good for him and us all.


Long stretch of no gigs.  It’s one of the worst Feb’s I’ve had.